We strongly believe that school uniform gives our pupils a sense of identity and of belonging to the academy. It helps to ensure that no pupil feels disadvantaged in terms of appearance, removes the need to keep up with constantly changing and expensive fashion trends, and instils a sense of pride. We supply 2 polo shirts and 1 sweatshirt upon joining Wandle Valley Academy.
Pupils are required to wear the following year-round uniform:
- Grey Polo Shirts with School logo (available from school)
- Black Sweatshirts with School logo (available from school)
- Pair of black trousers or knee-length black school skirt (not provided by Wandle Valley)
- Black shoes/trainers (not provided by Wandle Valley)
- Black tailored shorts in Summer Term only (not provided by Wandle Valley)
- PE Kit - White t-shirt and plain black sports shorts (not provided by Wandle Valley)
Parent/Carers can make contact with the school if they require support to purchase additional uniform and there is also the opportunity to buy second hand uniform when it becomes available.
Wandle Valley Uniform Order Form:
Uniform Order Form
Please note we only accept cash or online payment and no uniform will be issued without payment.
It is advised that uniform is labelled in order that clothing can be identified in the event of loss.