What makes our curriculum different?
We want all pupils to achieve more than they thought was possible; to succeed when they have all been deemed to have failed. To achieve this we work on school being ‘more than just an education’ and build on the motto ‘TEAM’ – Together Everyone achieves More. We provide a broad and balanced through ‘Key Stages’ curriculum that reflects the individual needs of our pupils, giving them the skills to navigate the ‘big, wide world’ when they leave us. Each cohort is considered when GCSE choices are offered in order to best suit individual needs and local employment opportunities.
As a special school for social, emotional and mental health difficulties we have pupils who possess a range of abilities, aptitudes and interests. We offer a full range of opportunities for pupils to gain nationally recognised accreditation, as best suits pupil’s specific needs, as well as broaden each pupil’s life experiences through a range of enrichment opportunities. We want our pupils to build up respect, honesty and empathy through showing determination and resilience; not always the easiest thing to do, but one that we strive for. All subject areas explicitly plan to ensure that academic learning outcomes are met, but also that our key skills are targeted across the whole school to ensure outcomes for ‘resilience’, ‘communication’ and ‘self-management’ are met and continue to show progression as pupils move through the school.
Subjects like SMSC, Religious Studies, Wellbeing and SEMH are delivered through our Personal Development Curriculum, which all our afternoon lessons are dedicated to. Tutor Time/Topic, Assemblies, Drop Down Days also support this area of the curriculum and these subjects are also seen in all areas of the main Academy Subject Curriculum areas.
To find out more about the Curriculum at Wandle Valley Academy, please contact Shelina Duke on sduke@wandlevalleyacademy.org.uk or via the school office on 020 8648 1365. Alternatively, you can write to:
Miss Shelina Duke, Wandle Valley Academy, Welbeck Road, Carshalton, Surrey SM5 1LW.